Tuesday, November 6

Miramichi Special Olympics Fundraiser!

When: Saturday, November 17th, 2018! 
Where: Sobey’s in Douglastown from 10:00am to 4:00pm! 

Sunday, November 4

Bowling like a Boss!

Every Sunday our local Special Athletes go bowling at the bowling alley here in Newcastle. They are able to advance their skills, as well as join in on some fun competition. On November 4th, Kamryn and I helped scorekeep. We each had 3 or 4 athletes and were in charge of making sure things went smoothly along with tallying up their points. I've never been great at the sport, and these athletes sure have me beat with their amount of bowling talent. They loved checking the scores as the game progressed, and at the end they were proud to recieve a slip of paper that had their scores on it. Big shout out to Michael Clark, the winner of the two games that I scorekept! I will be going back for sure!
- Kale

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